#MeToo: How To Save the Co-Ed Workplace

In this post-#MeToo landscape, we’ve been clued in to the sheer scale of sexual misconduct, we’ve tweeted condemnations, we’ve shown solidarity with victims, we’ve expressed outrage, but we haven’t made a serious attempt to find a workable solution. Sexual misconduct pervades levels of society beyond the workplace, but if we care about the safety of women and productivity, the workplace is a good place to start.

Debt and Deficit: A Red Herring?

In a move that would give any faithful fiscal conservative an aneurysm (looking at you Senator Rand Paul), President Donald Trump signed the congressional budget deal into law early Friday morning, February 9th. The deal will increase federal spending caps by about $300 billion across two years, meaning the nation’s ever-ballooning debt will now grow… Continue reading Debt and Deficit: A Red Herring?